Monday, December 14, 2009


So, I officially have a blog, thanks to a few friends who helped me actually think of what to call it, which almost deterred me from starting one in the first place. Which of course makes me wonder how good I'll be at writing often enough and interestingly enough for anyone else to actually want to read it..... time will tell.

I guess I wanted to start a blog because I like to journal. I really enjoy grabbing a notebook and writing down something that stuck out to me as noteworthy or rantworthy and getting it all out. I will probably always keep my journal because there is something so special about writing with a pen on actual paper, but the thought that you can blog something and another person might actually read it is pretty cool too.

I'm in the midst and hopefully on the finish-line stretch of one of the biggest transitions I have ever had in my life. Yesterday concluded what my doctor had ordered as the last dance performance of my life and I am currently looking for apartments in LA to finally get to throw myself into acting 100%. I have been dealing with the fact that I wasn't going to dance professionally again for the past three years, but every time I am faced with a reminder of it, very much like an old scar, I can still feel it sting. It is bizarre to think that unless it comes up in my acting career, I will never have to sew myself another pair of pointe shoes, put on a leotard, or slide on those tights. (That last one is something I already don't miss) but being a dancer has been a part of me for so long, even after my injury, it is hard to believe that it is really over. After years of fighting with my body and struggling towards some painful unknown dance goal, my body has finally won out and forced me to take on another path. So now I'm faced with this new chapter of my life with all of the excitement and terror and absolute not-knowingness of a new adventure. I've got an agent and an acting school and a car. Now I just need to find a life for myself.